česky english September 20, 2024

PCB Manufacturing

Here is our list of companies from the Czech Republic and Slovakia offering their services in category PCB Manufacturing.

Main category PCB Manufacturing is divided into six subcategories: Single-Sided PCB, Double-Sided PCB, Multilayer PCB, Flex PCB, Rigid-Flex PCB, Stencils.

Click a company name to get full company details.

PS: You may not know that the Czech Republic this is the only country in Europe, where number of PCB bare boards manufacturers stays practically unchanged for last seventeen years, although their number in other countries rapidly declined. They handle rather small to medium volume orders, as well as prototyping, using up to date technology.

Company Categories
Single-Sided PCB Double-Sided PCB Multilayer PCB Flex PCB Rigid-Flex PCB Stencils
AWOS s.r.o. yes yes no no no yes
Certuma spol. s r.o. yes yes yes yes yes yes
EverMAX s.r.o. yes yes yes yes yes yes
PCB BENEŠOV, a.s. yes yes yes yes yes yes
PRINTED spol. s r.o. yes yes yes yes no yes